Saturday, December 29, 2012

Heartbreaking Presents

So last week my dad got a purple bag for my mother.

 It was really sudden and out of the blue. Purple is my mom's favourite colour. My mom and dad definitely aren't as close as I guess they were when he first proposed to her, and they definitely aren't lovey-dovey anymore, so I thought it was really sweet that my dad got her a little cute bag in her favourite colour.

 My mom got home that night and I showed it to her. She took one glance at it and asked if the laptop could fit in it (since that would be really convenient), but I told her it couldn't. It was too small.

 And that was the end of it.

 So tonight, I was sitting on the couch on my laptop, and my dad was watching television. Mom and my brother had gone to buy dinner, and it was just the two of us. Then he turned to me and asked if I could get the plastic bag that was under the table in the guest room. So I went and got it. And inside was the purple bag, gathering dust.

 He took it from me, sighed, and turned it here and there to look at it again.

 What broke my heart was when I saw "merry x'mas" handwritten on the price tag. My dad has cataract right now and it takes a lot of effort to read or write. (His operation is in February.) He opened the zips here and there, so I asked, "well, what did she say about the bag?"

 He replied, after another sigh, "nothing. I'm thinking of giving it to someone else."

 So I kept quiet and he put the bag on the other side of the room and went back to watching tennis. And that was that. And my mom and brother came home with dinner, and that was that.

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